Visiting Chico, California ? Take a little tour with me! Courtney BrownOUTDOORS Bidwell Park has two popular entrances - lower and upper park and both have a lot to offer depending on what you're looking for. Lower Bidwell park has 1 mile...
8 Reflections from Day 8 of Being a Full Time Artist Courtney Brown8 reflections from my first 8 days as a full time artist - choosing art and community over everything!
BSJC Seeking Market and & Event Support - Apply Here! Courtney BrownLove the farmers market and artist events? Want to earn some extra cash or get discounts on BSJC jewelry ? Bright Side Jewelry Co is for help on both Saturday &...
Let your desires shimmer in gold, darling ✨ Adding 14k offerings ! Courtney BrownThe reality : every creative is humanI create stories in my head about what can happen if things don't go as planned and the perceived threat of rejection is enough...